EASY TIRAMISU RECIPE #tiramisu #cake

EASY TIRAMISU RECIPE #tiramisu #cake

Easy Tíramísu ís favoríte ítalían trífle made of ladyfíngers soaked ín coffee, layered wíth a míxture of whípped cream and Mascarpone cheese. You need only 5 mínutes to make ít. So quíck, so easy!

í always make Tíramísu wíthout eggs ín the fíllíng (ladyfíngers stíll contaíns eggs – just a warníng for people wíth allergíes) because í don’t líke recípes usíng raw eggs ín desserts. The addítíon of whípped cream makes thís delícíous treat even líghter.

Also try our recipe : The Most Amazing Chocolate Cake
Easy Tíramísu Recípe – easy 5-mínutes, no-bake tíramísu recípe wíthout eggs ín the fíllíng.

EASY TIRAMISU RECIPE #tiramisu #cake


  • 1 cup (240 ml; 8 oz) whíppíng cream
  • 1 cup (225 g; 8 oz) Mascarpone cheese
  • 2-3 Tbs sugar to taste
  • 1 tsp vanílla extract
  • 1 Tbs amaretto or rum
  • 2 1/2 cups (591 ml; 20 oz) strong cold coffee
  • 200 g (about 7 oz) ladyfíngers* (savoíardí)
  • cocoa for dustíng


  1. Whíp cream, sugar and vanílla. Add Mascarpone cheese and amaretto or rum.
  2. Pour coffee ínto a shallow dísh. Díp enough ladyfíngers ín coffee to cover the base of a 6×9 ínch (15×24 cm; 4 cups volume) square dísh. Add a part of the cream míxture and level out. Repeat layers 1 or 2 tímes, endíng wíth the cream.
  3. Cover and refrígerate for at least 2 hours. Dust wíth cocoa before servíng.

Read more our recipe : Delicious Oven Cooked Barbecue Brisket
Source : https://bit.ly/2Px2WC9

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